Super Neon Drifter
Duration: 4 Weeks
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Platform: PC
Responsibilites: Scripter
Genre: Local-Coop, Vehicle based
Language: Visual Scripting

Super Neon Drifter is a 3rd person local-coop vehicle based game set in a synthwave theme where you will have to get the height score by destroying enemies/targets and survive as long as possible. The game was developed during 4 weeks as a school project my role in this project was scripter where I worked on the player vehicle, local-coop part as well as the enemies.


Super neon drifter is a local co-op game where one player will drive the car while the second player will be the gunner. The main goal of the game is to survive as long as possible and get the highest score.

Local Coop

I used one player character in the game and two player controller to setup the local coop and then If checked for diffrent input from player one and two.

Use mouse to drag around the blueprint

Spline Tunnels

To make the tunnel creation faster for the level designer i created a spline tunnel that allows the level designer to drag out the tunnel thats needed. The Spline tunnel will detect the end and start of the tunnel

Use mouse to drag around the blueprint