Strange Brews
Developer: Lost Anchor Games
Duration: 2017 Q1 - 2018 Q1
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Platform: PC
Responsibilites: Level Design, Scripting
Released Date: TBA

Strange Brews is Top down/First-person Management game where you take the role as the tavern keeper. As the keeper you will have to try to get more customers to run a successful tavern. Where I'm currently level arting a few customer rooms and work on some of the code in the game like the room shape system

Room Shapes

In strange brews players got the option to expand their rooms into different shapes shown in the image above When players are placing the room they can decide which room it should snap to by dragging the mouse over the target room

Use mouse to drag around the blueprint

Level Art Starting Room

Wizard Room

Dwarf Room

More Soon